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Barbara Zane

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Truth to be told
Normal people like me have no condition to ignore that the truth movement on 9/11 is hitting the whole world on a great way, and it is very, very positive. I cannot say I discovered that plans were prepared years before. Nobody wants to invent thing about 9/11 with the only objective to prove a conspiracy.

It's not Muslims who have shot down the aircrafts on 9/11, but I don't say it is CIA. Even if they have full access to the WTC buildings. I say this operation is a false flag organized by the globalists, not by little martians. Some films about 9/11 have projected big light on the what happened. There are proofs of a conspiracy by the US administration, check the alternative news.

Follow the money is with no doubt the best advice to see why all governments are undoubtedly nothing more than puppets in the hand of the global war machines. Some films show the towers crashing down one level at a time from the top. The WTC7 collapse is another great issue for 9/11 believers. I don't claim I am in the middle of government secrets, but the great amount of evidentiary material leads us to openly talk about the problem on the Internet.

If you are not fully conscious of the tremendous amount of whistleblowers having in hands material evidence, you should try to get knowledgment on your own. But the security people that was present at WTC was in the hands of guys connected to the same mainstream medias that run the government. I'm in some measure in agreement with 9/11 doubters reguarding to that issue. But it is critical to discover the truth about 9/11.

You are sure the WTC7 tower collapsed due to fire? Or for being hurt by rests from the collapse of the larger towers? Some well-known demolition experts have said it can't have done such an extensive structural damage. Look at the videos.

URL of this post: Truth to be told

Victor Jaso
Monica Otto
Matt Victor
Barbara Zane
Jason Laura
Ecrit par barbarazane, à 13:14 dans la rubrique "Actualités".

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